Want to live off grid in a dome home? Geodesic dome homes are a popular type of shelter for off gridders and eclectic types. Geodesic domes came onto the scene in the 1950’s thanks to the designs of Buckminster Fuller, and have remained popular for greenhouses or other uses over the years.

F.Domes and Freedomes offer affordable, lightweight and easy to construct options. They are available in a variety of sizes to help suit your needs and both companies have options from around $4k to $13k.


They can be augmented with solar or wind turbine systems for power. Glamping models can include options such as wood burning stoves and they are extremely versatile and affordable while also providing quite a bit of square footage for the price.

Not only are they more affordable than many other options, they are also more energy efficient as well. They can cost up to 30% less to heat and cool due to a reduced surface area. They also require less material than similar sized traditional homes while being stronger since a dome is stronger than a typical box structure, which means that they are often left standing in the wake of a natural disaster that can leave other homes and buildings in ruins.

Geodesic domes are a great option to consider for anyone living, or considering living, off-grid. Whether just to supplement your current home with a greenhouse, storage area, community center, or as a residence all on its own, these domes have stood the test of time and they have been on the forefront of green design along the way.


Source: offgridworld
